
Fortnightly on Sunday
afternoons (1pm-5pm)

Room E.103 (Building E)
University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs

Upcoming Meetings:

July 2024
* July 28th

August 2024
* August 11th
* August 25th

September 2024
* September 8th
* September 22nd

First-time visitor: free
Non-members: $2
Members: free
(membership $25/yr)

Download the 2024 Calendar

Borrowing Sheet 2024

2014: Year in Review

The end of 2014 means that we’ve come to the end of another successful year of The Boardgamers!

The Stats
For those who are interested, here are a few stats for the year:

Club Members: 23
Total Games Played: 242
Different Games Played: 97
New Games this Year: 32
Games […]

2011 In Review

2011 in Review

Here are a few random stats from our year of gaming at The Boardgamers.

Total games played: 222
Different games played: 84
Games played for the first time this year: 44
Games played only once…: 43

Most played games:
No Thanks! (29)
6 Takes (14)

The Boardgamers on ABC Radio

And if the newspaper wasn’t good enough, Colleen has also been representing the club on ABC Radio. She did this interview on the 26th of July, 2011. Have a listen by clicking here.

Boardgamers in the News!

An interview done by Ben and Colleen made it into the Sunshine Coast Daily recently to spread news of the club. Follow the link to check out the article.

2010 in Review

The Boardgamers settled well in to their second year, with regular attendance from many of our members and the addition of a few more faces in 2010. Here are a few stats for our first full year of gaming:

Total games played: 166

Different Titles played: 73

Most played Games:

Cosmic Encounter (8)

Welcome to 2011

Well it’s 2011 and the Boardgamers has a great new meeting venue at the University of the Sunshine Coast “UniClub”.
Visitors are welcome to explore the ever-expanding world of boardgames with us.

Here’s our Top 10 most played games so far for 2011 …

2009 in review

Well The Boardgamers have had a good solid start in 2009. Here are a few stats for our 8 months of gaming:

Total games played: 107

Different Titles played: 60

Most played Games:
Wings of War – Famous Aces (7)
Dominion (6)
Ticket to Ride (5)
Bohnanza […]

In Silicon Valley, Settlers is the new Golf

Boardgame Settlers of Catan, a hyper-social strategy board game, has become the new “in” thing in Silicon Valley. My guess is that more Silicon Valley elites play Settlers than play golf.

Read more …

Settlers of Catan is available at every session of The […]

Preparing Calendar and Themes for 2010

Well, we are in the process of putting a calendar together for next year and creating a list of themes.

The idea behind the themes is just to give us a light prod to cycle through the vast array of boardgames that we have and enjoy playing. The themes are not exclusive and we always […]