11th September, 2011 – Session Report
Attendees: 15
Session Theme: Pirates!
Games Played
Tobago x1
Potion-Making: Practice x1
Battlestar Galactica x1
Evolution: The Origin of Species x1
Mansions of Madness x1
Pirate’s Cove x1
Rune Age x1
Gang of Four x1
25th of September, 2011 – Session Report
Attendees: 13
Session Theme: Miniatures
Games Played
Memoir ’44 x3
Runewars x1
Shipyard x1
Escalation! x1
Heroscape Master Set: Rise of the Valkyrie x1
The Kids of Carcassonne x1
Alhambra x1
Citadels x1
Sorry! Sliders x12
Saboteur x1